Saturday, March 21, 2009

March came in like a How To lion...

Long time no blog - apologies, as I've been extremely busy. My job duties completely changed around the same time that my spouse had major surgery. He's had a string of complications - long story short, the poor man has lost about 30 pounds. He's really very very weak, and I worry constantly. I know he'll improve, but that never stops me from worrying. And I can assure you, this is NOT how he wanted to lose the weight.

Okay, the JOB: I'm working with Mahalo's How To team elite fighting force of writers dedicated to making very high-quality pages. I'm so proud of the work - it's challenging, but it's also quite interesting. And I've made some great friends along the way. TALENTED friends.

Wanted to spotlight a few How To pages that I really feel deserve MAD props. There are many, of course, but these stood out in a major way. I'm particularly intrigued by the page that will show you what you need to do to become a mystery shopper!!!!!!! WAY cool.

Happy weekend all, and happy reading!

How to Become a Dentist
How to Become a Mystery Shopper
How to Become a Physical Therapist
How to Become a Certified Nursing Assistant
How to Become a Lawyer